
Joseph's Blog




Cast List : Main Task

Sohail Aziz – Shoaib Nawaz


We used Shoaib, as he is from Pakistan and the area we decided to film in is typically a place where people of many different ethnicity’s live. We filmed in Easton.

The other two people we used in our piece were red herrings to throw the audience off and are also from other ethnic backgrounds.

Rohan Panesar,


and Khalid Ali


Main Task

#Maintask    #asmediastudies

Horror Survey Results


Final Task : Analysis 1



Camera Angles

Close up –  A close up is when the camera is very near to an characters face, body part or object and shows little of the background

Wide Shot – A wide show includes the characters entire body and the background of the scene.

Extreme Long Shot- An extreme long shot also shows the characters entire body but includes a lot of the background such as above and sides.

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Narrative Theorists


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Horror Survey

Main Task Group Discussion and Notes

This is where we discussed what our main task would be and possibly what it would look like.

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Scouting our Location

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These are pictures my group and I have taken to show where we will be filming our main task. We have chosen this location because it consists of a phone box  (which we needed for the film) and believe it or not these were not easy to find.  There was another phone box but we established that the sound may be a problem as it was on a main road.

The underpass was used because it not only looks intimidating but it has graffiti of eyes, which added to the theme of being watched.

Also the final location was perfect because it looked urban and was located near our college making it ideal as we lack transportation.

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